Get the guide that will help you make a smart choice about the medical billing agency that will best suit your needs. The guide is based on a list of questions and criteria offered by the different RAMQ billing agencies in Quebec.

How to choose your RAMQ billing agency guide

Criteria addressed in the guide

Does the RAMQ Billing Agency Meet the Following Criteria?

Saving Time Icon

Reduced time spent on billing

Dollar Sign Icon

Getting your full income

Computer Icon

Visibility on your billing

Security Icon

Process and software security

Paperplane Icon

Easy access to your billing

Expert advisor icon

Agent expertise in your discipline

Combine expertise and technology

Designed to Simplify Your RAMQ Billing

Entrust the analysis of your billing to experts dedicated to the respect of RAMQ standards and your satisfaction.

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Graph showing performance figures
Trust Other Physicians

I found my billing easier to complete online after only a few weeks. The team responds well to my questions I was able to get training quickly when I requested it.

Dr. Anne-Pascale Côté, General Practitioner

The system is clear, the service is fast and courteous, errors are reported clearly, follow-up on questions and issues is diligent. Thanks to Xacte, I was able to quickly adjust my billing to COVID. I have nothing but congratulations!

Dr. Éric Morissette, Internist

Xacte is definitely a professional team, with a personalized and outstanding customer service. Their expertise allows us to trust them with our billing. I would recommend this tool.

Dr. Andrée-Ann Hounsell, Psychiatrist