Automatic NAM Scanning with Xacte Mobile App

Health Insurance Number (NAM) scanning is now available with the Xacte mobile app

This new functionality allows Xacte users to scan any barcodes present on a Health Insurance Card. The application can recognize the barcode from older cards, as well as those on the newer versions of the RAMQ Health Insurance Card.

Furthermore, with this new technology, Xacte users can now scan single or multiple Health Insurance Numbers (NAM) from all sorts of mediums, for example:

  • A printed paper (like a patient file)
  • A computer screen (from your Electronic Medical Record)
  • A hospital card
  • Etc.

This technology is called optical character recognition (OCR). It converts printed or most handwritten numbers into digital text that can be used by a software application. With the digital text, Xacte’s application can then detect and extract any health insurance numbers.

To activate this function, access Xacte’s mobile app settings (using the top left menu).




Activate “Enable advanced NAM reading”.




When the function “Enable advanced NAM reading” is activated in settings, you will be able to use either barcode or OCR recognition.




Directly while scanning, it will be possible to activate or disable either of these functionalities (i.e. the barcode or the OCR function).If you find yourself using only one function, we suggest that you disable the function you are not using. This will optimize the performance of the chosen method.


If the mobile app recognizes several Health Insurance Numbers (NAM), you will be prompted to choose the desired number.
